Hugo x Github Pages

This is my 4th time to redeploy my blog as a note for myself. deciding using hugo x ghpages because it will be just a note could be a tech note or just random thought. why hugo is calm?, because its quite simple, its static, it is fun adn quite fast (to generate).


what is hugo? Hugo is blog engine that use markdown as their main source of content. generate that markdown file as static site and deploy it. you could see more about hugo here

Github Pages

for developers it should be familiar with this github pages. go to your github and set your repository as a web page. they will run github action to deploy your site


  1. Intiate your repository
  2. install hugo on your local machine and start creating page
  3. Follow this step
  4. Push to your github and follow this step Setup Page usualy i changes my toml with yaml and configuration in hugo also support yaml

thats it. this is ordinary. what extra is the consistency. Hope this firs step.