ChatGPT is it scary?

it could be the end of yaml (kubernetes) engineers.

there is phenomenon. in this time i write this post, i just try the viral AI in a programming world. openAI just released a product, or reasearch, or a robot called chatGPT

they said

We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

this ai is new almost for most of us especially me. the bot that claimed by stackoverflow is often still give wrong or in complete answer.

stackoverflow even bans the answer (temporarily) from this bots here

i personaly try it to generate kubernetes manifest just to test and talk to the bot. and its perfect for me, me that the day to day work is in a kubernetes world. i know the structure i know what should i changes etc. But for users that new to any programming or me using it to solve a problem in programming language that we are not familiar with, it will be dangerous.

for yaml engineer it’s awesome its more reliable than opening google just to search a example yaml structure of kubernetes resources (lets say we are not using snippets).

try to ask him (the bot) to create example kubernetes yaml manifest and its awesome, because i knew where should i use it what should i changes. have been also try with some CRD and its also working. for me it will helpfull for my day to day work.

me asking for yaml example

Need to be specific

when talking with the AI we should ask a specific question like when i ask him about multily 2 by 2 matrices it resulting create manual multiply matrices. without any loop and just a function for 2 by 2 matrices.

2 by 2 matrices

that above example became a problem because for people that not in programming may be just copy paste the snippets and not understand the reason behind it. but when i ask more generic way to multily any matrices, its resulting as expected.

multily any matrices

and thats what the programmer should use to multiply matrices, but still its depend in the case.


This existence of ChatBot AI is good. But we need to understand what we are asking and what the answer means before using the answer. this bot is still helpfull for us as developers. use it as a helper. ChatGPT is the bot, we are not a copy paste robot.

yes it is scary

This AI is good but still you cannot ask him for a whole software to him (up untill now :p). so we are still usefull HAHA. the scary part is it still learning and grow

multily any matrices

but still its not doing all we need. we still need to learn we still need to jump in and really understand our code. and remember

We Are Not A Copy Paste Robot. We Could Learn, Understand, Copy, Paste, Modify, Get in to the context.